Robyn Schwob
Robyn Schwob is a talented author who loves to share her faith with others through words, both spoken and on the page. Growing up, Robyn spent hours making up stories in her mind and now she has the privilege to create them for others to read. The story of Walking Home reveals the ups and downs of challenging relationships, family dynamics, forgiveness and redemption. A transparent communicator, Robyn's book deals with personal issues we all must face in order to find the peace we're searching for. Recently, Robyn had the pleasure to speak to a group of teen girls and share her testimony. In the recounting of her life, she emphasized the importance of staying focused on Jesus Christ. Robyn has a passion for sharing her insights and God’s Word with young adults. Her goal is to encourage them by helping them in their walk and strengthening their relationship with Christ. On her website, she writes about how we are chosen in Christ, what it means to have a relationship with Christ and how to live in and for Him. Robyn feels blessed and thankful to be doing what she loves. She is glad that God allows her to use her platform as a means to tell others about how much Jesus Christ loves them.
Robyn Schwob left her small-town childhood home in New Hampshire to move to Georgia in 1998. She has since settled into Newnan, Georgia where she loves living with her faithful husband of 20 years, her affectionate teenage son, beloved dog, Thor, and Karmel the cat. She is actively involved in her church, New Dimensions, where she is continually challenged to be more like Christ.
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Walking Home
Robyn Schwob's Walking Home is a story with a focus on redemption and coming back to Christ. Every Tuesday you can hear more about this powerful novel by listening to Robyn's interview featured on Babbie's House On The Radio.