ATTENTION Songwriters. You’re invited to attend
The Inner Circle Virtual Songwriters Conference
April 24th, 2021. This online event is hosted by
award-winning singer, songwriter, author,
speaker, radio and TV personality, Babbie Mason.
The Inner Circle is designed to equip songwriters with
basic tools, tips, and techniques for songwriting success.
At The Inner Circle you'll discover...
*How to find great songwriting ideas
*Write memorable lyrics and melodies
*How to promote your songs online
*How to get your songs on Christian radio
*How to protect your copyright your music
*And a whole lot more!
-The Songwriting Competition is closed and we are
no longer accepting new entries-
Enter your best song in The Inner Circle Songwriting
Competition. You could be one of the big winners!
Prizes include cash winnings, studio recording gear,
free tuition to an Inner Circle event, Songwriting
Coaching and more. You must register for The Inner
Circle Conference in order to compete in The Inner
Circle Songwriting Competition.
Click The Inner Circle icon and register today!
This conference could get you on the road to
songwriting success! Don’t miss it!